About Us

Knowing the difficulties of finding a job in today’s competitive job market and feeling this on our own skin, we wanted to do something to make job hunt easier. As CV is the first contact you have with an employer and understanding that the first impression is crucial in those few second an employer spends reviewing an application, we put our efforts on creating the most effective and easy to use CV builder, CustomResume.


Our Team

Our team consists of young and ambitious people who have gathered their expertise and knowledge in order to ensure you with the best and most professional service. People standing behind CustomResume are devotedly working on improving the service and making it the most convenient to use.

Our Mission

Our mission has been to make it possible for everyone, no matter their designing skills, to create professional looking resumes that will emphasize their best qualities and put them ahead of the competition.

Our Vision

Helping people achieve their professional goals and obtain the wanted job position. Making big career dreams possible.